If to ignore #Libra functionality, it offers the same as Central Banks - centralisation, surveillance, inflation (= proxy inflation of underlying basket of currencies). That's why CB's are worried so much. Last year they discussed, postponed and finally avoided the issuance of own sovereign digital money but were afraid to destroy banking industry.
Now, Libra will damage this strategy, because from user's perspective it will have the same properties. Yet, Libra will be global and will compete even with forex exchange. For example, cuban FB-user from Spain can send money to her mom in Cuba without the need to pay for currency exchange and high transaction fee. Still, the same can be done with #Bitcoin but transaction fee is much higher (use then #LightningNetwork !).
All in all, this creates a mess and will push CB's to get defensive. It will be very hard, taking into account that #crypto provides the average desire of money customers (we all are):
- to avoid intermediary risk taker
- to avoid inflation of monetary base
- to be in control of own deposit (digged under "crypto-tree" in the "crypto-garden")
PS. Remember the old: "Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite". Missing FrereCoin and EgalCoin.